Simple Supper – Ultimate Chicken Burger

Simple Supper – Ultimate Chicken Burger

Every second Friday night is burger night in our house (every other Friday is pizza night). I love a good burger and I love making them at home. This turned out to be my fiancé’s favorite burger so far. It’s easy to make and the whole family will love it!

Ultimate Chicken Burgers

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy
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  • 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
  • 4 hamburger rolls
  • Lettuce
  • 4 large tomato slices
  • 4 large gherkins, sliced lengthways
  • 8 rashers bacon, cooked
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 4 slices cheese
  • 4 slices pineapple
  • Burger relish
  • Burger sauce (mix 2 tbsp mayo with 1 tbsp ketchup, 1 tbsp mustard and 4 tsp gherkin juice)


  1. Butterfly your chicken breasts and season with desired seasoning (I use some soy sauce and steak seasoning).
  2. Cook chicken breasts in preheated, oiled frying pan for about 5 min a side.
  3. Place cheese on top of chicken breasts, cover pan and allow the chicken to steam and the cheese to melt, about 3 -5 min. Remove chicken from the pan and set aside.
  4. Grill pineapple in the same pan until you get a golden color on each side.
  5. Cut burger buns in half, butter the bottom half of the bun, add lettuce, burger relish, tomato slice, pineapple and gherkins.
  6. Place cooked chicken breasts on top of gherkins, top with slices of cooked bacon.
  7. Spread burger sauce on top half of bun and add onion slices.
  8. Serve with fries or just enjoy it on its own!

    My Week in Dinners

    My Week in Dinners

    This week has been a bit all over the place. We did a road trip to Kimberley on Monday and only came back late on Wednesday night, so most of the week has consisted of fast food (pizza and KFC). I did manage to actually cook 2 meals this week! Next week will be back to normal, so I’ll have at least 4 or 5 photos next week 😊

    My “fried” chicken strips. Light coating of buttermilk and seasoned flour, shallow fried and then finished in the oven. Very yummy and not so messy!

    Every Friday night in our house is either pizza or burger night. This Friday was pizza night. Instead of making 1 large pizza, I decided to try something different and make 4 individual “bakery” style pizza. This time we did Parma ham, pineapple, fresh onion and basil. Really loved the individual pizza, so I think this will definitely become a staple in our house!

    My Week in Dinners

    My Week in Dinners

    Crispy chicken strips with salad and crispy potato discs. I season my chicken strips with a bit of soy sauce and steak seasoning, then they get coated in cornflake crumbs to make them extra crunchy!

    Simple bacon and pea pasta. I cook my bacon in the microwave until it’s crispy. Then I fry my onion and peas in some butter, add a bit of white wine, throw in the bacon bits, 2 tablespoons of mascarpone/cream cheese and about 1/3 cup grated Parmesan. I toss my pasta in the sauce and serve with extra grated Parmesan. Yummy and takes about 20 mins to make!

    There’s nothing better than a homemade cheeseburger with Steers burger relish and homemade burger/fry sauce (mayo, tomato sauce, mustard and pickle juice). I do cheat a bit by using frozen oven baked French fries (Woolworths has the best frozen thin cut French fries).

    Comforting cottage pie. I use my bolognese base and just make sure my carrots are chunky and I throw in some peas. Top it with cheesy mash and you’re good to go!

    Mounds of Hawaiian pizza with Sriracha sauce and caramelized onion. We eat pizza once a week in my house and every 2nd Friday I make it from scratch (with the help of my fiancé).