My Week in Dinners

My Week in Dinners

This week has been a bit all over the place. We did a road trip to Kimberley on Monday and only came back late on Wednesday night, so most of the week has consisted of fast food (pizza and KFC). I did manage to actually cook 2 meals this week! Next week will be back to normal, so I’ll have at least 4 or 5 photos next week 😊

My “fried” chicken strips. Light coating of buttermilk and seasoned flour, shallow fried and then finished in the oven. Very yummy and not so messy!

Every Friday night in our house is either pizza or burger night. This Friday was pizza night. Instead of making 1 large pizza, I decided to try something different and make 4 individual “bakery” style pizza. This time we did Parma ham, pineapple, fresh onion and basil. Really loved the individual pizza, so I think this will definitely become a staple in our house!