Our Personal Collection of Cool Stuff

Our Personal Collection of Cool Stuff

We thought it might be a good idea to start sharing photos of our personal collection of antiques & collectables with you. Now you’ll be able to see what inspires us everyday and hopefully we can get you inspired to use antiques and vintage items in your home!

First up is our late 19th century French Walnut bed. We adore this bed because it has Art Nouveau details. You’ll also notice our 1960s prints of Alphonse Mucha posters above the bed. I love these posters (I have many more dotted around the house). 

In the next photo you can see more of our Alphonse Mucha posters. I also love this antique Crystoleum of a beautiful art nouveau style woman (I think I might have a slight obsession with everything art nouveau!).


I absolutely love our 1860s oil painting of an old stone mill (fell in love with it at an auction). A new addition to our collection is this antique camera with original stand, which is a great decor piece.

We hope you enjoyed seeing our collection and I’ll be posting more photos of our collections every few weeks 😄